This command checks the execution status of Systemwalker Runbook Automation on a Management Server.
swrba_status |
Return Values
Normal termination
Abnormal termination
If this command terminates normally, one of the following messages indicating the execution status of the Systemwalker Runbook Automation processes is displayed.
When all of the processes necessary for Systemwalker Runbook Automation to run have started
Systemwalker Runbook Automation is working normally. |
When Systemwalker Runbook Automation was stopped using swrba_stop (stop command)
Systemwalker Runbook Automation is not running. |
When some or all of the processes necessary for Systemwalker Runbook Automation to run have stopped with an error
Processes required for Systemwalker Runbook Automation are not running. |
Command Location
<Systemwalker Runbook Automation installation directory>\bin |
/opt/FJSVswrbam/bin |
Privilege Required/Execution Environment
This command requires administrator privileges. When using Windows Server 2008 or later operating system, run as an administrator.
This command can be executed on a Management Server.
This can only be executed by a system administrator (superuser).
This command can be executed on a Management Server.