ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V15.1 Operation Guide

B.3.1 Overview of sample scripts

The sample shell scripts provided are summarized below. These scripts are stored in the /etc/opt/FJSVswsts/samp directory.

Table B.1 Sample shell script for Oracle



Script name

Associated transaction

Associated resource type


Collection of DB information


Oracle transaction





Oracle transaction, general file transaction

File system




Oracle transaction

Raw device

B.3.1.1 Collecting DB information

swst_or_iv outputs information about an Oracle database. The output file names and their contents are:

Use the database information above as a reference for creating shell scripts for backup processing.


For Oracle 9i or later, replace the "svrmgrl" command used in "swst_or_iv" with the sqlplus command.

Usage example
# swst_or_iv
swst_or_iv completed.
Result example
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------
ORA10                /ora1/ora0.dbf
ORA20                /ora2/ora0.dbf
RBS                  /oracle/ora/oradata/rbs01.dbf
SYSTEM               /oracle/ora/oradata/system01.dbf
TEMP                 /oracle/ora/oradata/temp01.dbf
TOOLS                /oracle/ora/oradata/tools01.dbf
USERS                /oracle/ora/oradata/users01.dbf
alter tablespace ORA10 begin backup;
alter tablespace ORA20 begin backup;
alter tablespace RBS begin backup;
alter tablespace SYSTEM begin backup;
alter tablespace TEMP begin backup;
alter tablespace TOOLS begin backup;
alter tablespace USERS begin backup;
alter tablespace ORA10 end backup;
alter tablespace ORA20 end backup;
alter tablespace RBS end backup;
alter tablespace SYSTEM end backup;
alter tablespace TEMP end backup;
alter tablespace TOOLS end backup;
alter tablespace USERS end backup;
NAME                                TYPE    VALUE
----------------------------------- ------- ------------------------------
control_files                       string  /oracle/ora/oradata/control
NAME                                TYPE    VALUE
----------------------------------- ------- ------------------------------
log_archive_dest                    string  /oracle/ora/oradata/archive
Processing outline
reterr() --- An error message is output before an error is returned.
sqlplus AAA/BBB <<!
SELECT --- Acquire Oracle table space information.
sqlplus svrmgrl <<!
show --- Acquire Oracle log information.
sqlplus vrmgrl <<!
show --- Acquire Oracle control information.

# main()

# 0) Environmental variable setting

# 1) Acquisition of Oracle table space information
sqldata() invocation --- Acquire Oracle table space information

# 2) Acquisition of Oracle log information
sqllog() invocation --- Acquire Oracle log information

# 3) Acquisition of Oracle control information
sqlcont() invocation --- Acquire Oracle control information

exit 0

B.3.1.2 File system backup

swst_or_fs_bk, run using AdvancedCopy Manager, backs up processing data stored in an Oracle database on a file system.
Processing data is copied to the backup volumes of AdvancedCopy Manager. These scripts correspond to steps 2 to 5 in "B.3.2.1 DB information collection".

swst_or_fs_bk {-a | -i} <mount-point-name>

Specify when an Oracle database is online. The start of backup processing is declared to the Oracle server.


Specify when an Oracle database is stopped or the file is a general file. The start of backup processing is not declared to the Oracle server.


Specify the name of the mount point targeted for backup.

Example using swst_or_fs_bk

While processing is active, back up /gyoumu_db in which an Oracle database is located.

# swst_or_fs_bk -a /gyoumu_db
swst_or_fs_bk completed. ( /gyoumu_db -> /dev/dsk/c1t3d0s2/gyoumu_db_SW at 23:00 on 1999.11.01 )
Processing outline of swst_or_fs_bk
usage() --- Command syntax is output before an error is returned.
reterr() --- An error message is output before an error is returned.
chkmp() --- Check for a mount point
get_mp_blk() --- Conversion from a mount point to a device
getfs() --- Conversion from a mount point to a file system type
sqlplus AAA/BBB <<!
alter system switch logfile;
alter system flush shared_pool;
alter tablespace CCC begin backup; --- Notify Oracle of the start of backup.
sqlplus AAA/BBB <<!
alter tablespace CCC end backup; --- Notify Oracle of the stopping of backup.
getbd() --- Fetch the name of the backup (copy) destination device of AdvancedCopy Manager.
getdate() --- Fetch the backup (copy) date of AdvancedCopy Manager.
gettime() --- Fetch the backup (copy) time of AdvancedCopy Manager.

# main()
Parameter analysis and mount point check

# 0) Environmental variable setting

# 1) Notification issued to Oracle of the start of backup
if [ "-a" operand specification ]
sqlbegin() invocation --- Notify Oracle of the start of backup.
Error handling

# 2) Disk backup (copy) by AdvancedCopy Manager command
swstbackup $UDBLK --- Copy the disk.
Error handling

# 3) Notification issued to Oracle of the stopping of backup
if [ "-a" operand specification ]
sqlend() invocation --- Notify Oracle of the stopping of backup.
Error handling

# 4) Acquisition of the backup (copy) destination of AdvancedCopy Manager
BDBLK="`getbd $UDBLK`" --- Fetch a backup volume as a character device.
BDDATE="`getdate $UDBLK`"--- Fetch the backup date.
BDTIME="`gettime $UDBLK`"--- Fetch the backup time.

exit 0

B.3.1.3 Raw device backup

swst_or_rd_bk is run using AdvancedCopy Manager to back up live data using an Oracle database on a raw device.
Live data is copied to work disks prepared by users.
These scripts apply to steps 2 to 5 in "B.3.2.1 DB information collection".

swst_or_rd_bk {-a | -i} <device name>

Specify when an Oracle database is online. The start of backup processing is declared to the Oracle server.


Specify when an Oracle database is stopped or the file is a general file. The start of backup processing is not declared to the Oracle server.

device name

Specify the name of the raw device targeted for backup.

Example using swst_or_rd_bk

While live processing is active, back up /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 in which an Oracle database is located.

# swst_or_rd_bk -a /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6
swst_or_rd_bk completed. ( /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6 -> /dev/rdsk/c1t3d0s2 at 23:01 on 1999.11.01 )
Processing outline of swst_or_rd_bk

usage() --- Command syntax is output before an error is returned.
reterr() --- An error message is output before an error is returned.
get_chr_blk() --- Conversion from a character device to a block device
get_blk_chr() --- Conversion from a block device to a character device
sqlplus AAA/BBB <<!
alter system switch logfile;
alter system flush shared_pool;
alter tablespace CCC begin backup; --- Notify Oracle of the start of backup.
sqlplus AAA/BBB <<!
alter tablespace CCC end backup; --- Notify Oracle of the stopping of backup.
getbd() --- Fetch the name of the backup (copy) destination device of AdvancedCopy Manager.
getdate() --- Fetch the backup (copy) date of AdvancedCopy Manager.
gettime() --- Fetch the backup (copy) time of AdvancedCopy Manager.

# main()
Parameter analysis and raw device check

# 0) Environmental variable setting

# 1) Notification issued to Oracle of the start of backup
if [ "-a" operand specification ]
sqlbegin() invocation --- Notify Oracle of the start of backup.
Error handling

# 2) Disk backup (copy) by AdvancedCopy Manager command
swstbackup $SRC --- Copy the disk.
Error handling

# 3) Notification issued to Oracle of the stopping of backup
if [ "-a" operand specification ]
sqlend() invocation --- Notify Oracle of the stopping of backup.
Error handling

# 4) Acquisition of the backup (copy) destination of AdvancedCopy Manager
DSTBLK="`getbd $SRC`" --- Fetch a backup volume.
DST="`get_blk_chr $DSTBLK`"
BKDATE="`getdate $SRC`"
BKTIME="`gettime $SRC`"

exit 0