ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V15.1 Operation Guide

7.2.2 Collecting maintenance information Collecting error survey information

Collecting error survey information on the Management Server

The collecting error survey information on the Management Server can be performed using either the command or Web Console.

When using the command, login to the Management Server and execute esfsnap (AdvancedCopy Manager's manager troubleshooting data collection command).
When using Web Console, refer to "Collecting troubleshooting data" in the "ETERNUS SF Web Console Guide".

Send the collected error survey information to a Fujitsu system engineer.


If an error occurs during installing ETERNUS SF, esfsnap (AdvancedCopy Manager's manager troubleshooting data collection command) may not exist. In this case, collect the following data.

  • System log

  • The files under the following directories.

    • /var/opt/FJSVswtrc/trc

    • /var/opt/FJSVswstf

    • /etc/opt/swstorage

Collecting error survey information on the Managed Server

Login to the Managed Server and execute acmcapture (AdvancedCopy Manager's agent troubleshooting data collection command) on each server.

Please send the collected error survey information to a Fujitsu system engineer.


If a fault occurs during node degeneracy in a load sharing degenerate function on the Symfoware Server, collect files under the directory specified by -altdir option.