Systemwalker Runbook Automation Reference Guide

1.5.8 ssoclrestore (Interstage Single Sign-On Restore Command)


The environment of Interstage single sign-on which was backed up by the ssoclbackup command is restored. The followings are restored.

However, SSO repository and Interstage HTTP Server have to be one of the following statuses when this command is executed.

[SSO Repository](Note 1)

[Interstage HTTP Server](Note 3)

Note 1) Check the status of the repository configuration in System >> Service >> Repository >> repository name >> Environment setting in Interstage Management console.

Note 2) Refer to information which was saved when the ssoclbackup command was executed for information on SSO repository name of SSO repository and the setting information when they were backed up.

Note 3) Check the status of Interstage HTTP Server configuration by the ihsdisp command. Refer to "12 Interstage HTTP Server Operation Commands" in "Web Server Operation Edition" of Interstage Application Server Reference Manual (Command Edition) for information on the ihsdisp command.

Note 4) Refer to the list of Web server names in Interstage HTTP Server which was saved when the ssoclbackup command was executed.


ssoclrestore backup directory


Backup directory


The following characters cannot be used as a backup directory name. However, ":" (colon) can be used to specify a drive letter and "\" (yen mark) can be used as a separator between directories.

: ; / * ? \ < > | " ,


When "/" (slash) is specified for the backup directory name, it is treated as a separator between directories.


After executing this command, the list of the resources which were backed up in the specified back up directory is displayed as below. After that, the message appears whether you would like to restore the resources. Check the list and enter "yes" when you continue restoring the process. The meaning of the resources is as follows.

Resource name


Repository Server

Repository server resource

Authentication Server

Authentication server resource

Business Server

Business server resources

Web Server

Interstage HTTP Server resource

SSO Repository (Repository name)

SSO repository resource

Interstage Certificate Environment

Interstage Certificate Environment resource

Return Values


Normal termination


Abnormal termination

Command Location


<Systemwalker Runbook Automation installation directory>\sso\bin
Note: The default location is C:\Fujitsu\Systemwalker\SWRBAM



Privilege Required/Execution Environment




After starting this command, when the process is interrupted before the process is completed, the backup isn't ended normally. In this case, execute the command again.



For example: Backup directory is "X:\backup"

> ssoclrestore X:\backup
Repository Server
Authentication Server
Business Server
Web Server
SSO Repository (rep001)
Interstage Certificate Environment
Are you sure to restore the Single Sign-on system? (yes/no)yes
IHS: INFO: ihs81407: The restore processing has commenced.
IHS: INFO: ihs81408: The restore processing has been completed normally


For example: Backup directory is "/backup"

> /opt/FJSVswrbam/sso/bin/ssoclrestore /backup
Repository Server
Authentication Server
Business Server
Web Server
SSO Repository (rep001)
Interstage Certificate Environment
Are you sure to restore the Single Sign-on system? (yes/no)yes
IHS: INFO: ihs81407: The restore processing has commenced.
IHS: INFO: ihs81408: The restore processing has been completed normally