Systemwalker Runbook Automation Reference Guide

1.4.20 swrba_scheduleimport (Schedule Definition Import Command)


This command imports Schedule Patterns and Schedule Definitions that are common to all process groups. It can import only data that has been exported by the swrba_scheduleexport command.


swrba_scheduleimport [-user user ID] [-u] -d directory where the data to be imported is stored


-user user ID

Specify the user ID of the user that will become the owner of the Schedule Definitions to be imported. An error will occur if a user ID that does not exist or a user ID that does not have privileges to run the process definitions is specified.

If this option is specified, the user that has been specified in the import data beforehand will become the Schedule Definition owner.


Specifying this option overwrites any Schedule Definitions or Schedule Patterns in the process group that have the same names as the Schedule Definitions or Schedule Patterns being imported.

This option can be omitted. If this option is omitted, an error will occur when a Schedule Definition or Schedule Pattern with the same names as the Schedule Definition or Schedule Pattern being imported already exists in the process group.

-d directory where the data to be imported is stored

Specify the directory where the data to be imported is stored. This option cannot be omitted.

Specify the directory where definitions exported using the Schedule Definition export command have been stored. It is not possible to change the process definition or process group for which the Schedule Definitions and Schedule Patterns stored in the specified directory have been defined. Prepare a process definition and process group that are the same as the process definition and process group for the Schedule Definitions and Schedule Patterns that have been exported.

If there are multiple Schedule Definitions in the specified directory, all of the Schedule Definitions will be imported. If there are multiple Schedule Definitions and an error occurs midway through importing them, the subsequent processing will still continue.

Note that the status of the imported process definitions is "disabled". Enable the imported process definitions after preparing the resources required to use the schedule function, such as process definitions and holiday calendars.

The following table explains the differences in the various definition informations before and after the process definitions are exported and then imported.

Table 1.1 Differences in the settings information before and after process definitions are exported and then imported

Item name

Differences before and after process definitions are exported and then imported


Schedule ID


New IDs are assigned at the import destination.

Schedule Definition Name





Process definitions are registered as "disabled".



The user specified by the "-user" option is set.

Last Start Date


This date is cleared.

Next Startup Date


A new Next Startup Date is set in accordance with the imported definitions.

Process definition



Scheduled Execution Time



Execute multiple processes at a time






User Defined Attributes



Startup Days Settings information



Startup Time Settings information



Return Values


Normal termination

Value other than 0:

Abnormal termination

Command Location


<Systemwalker Runbook Automation Management Server installation directory>\bin
Note: The default location is C:\Fujitsu\Systemwalker\SWRBAM



Privilege Required/Execution Environment





The following command imports Schedule Definitions and Schedule Patterns that have been exported and stored in "C:\work", while overwriting existing definitions with the same names.

swrba_scheduleimport -d C:\work -user rbauser -u

Execution Result/Output Format

FSP_SW/RB-A_BASE: INFO: 04201: Schedule definition/schedule pattern import is about to start.
FSP_SW/RB-A_BASE: INFO: 04207: The schedule definition/schedule pattern was imported. Process group ID:System Number imported:3
FSP_SW/RB-A_BASE: INFO: 04207: The schedule definition/schedule pattern was imported. Process group ID:System Number imported:2
FSP_SW/RB-A_BASE: INFO: 04207: The schedule definition/schedule pattern was imported. Process group ID:System Number imported:5
FSP_SW/RB-A_BASE: INFO: 04203: Schedule definition/schedule pattern import has finished.