Systemwalker Runbook Automation Reference Guide

1.4.10 ciexport (Configuration Item Export Command)


This command exports configuration items from the CMDB. The results are sent to a specified file or to standard output in XML format.



ciexport.exe -q xpath=condition specified [-x output file]

[Linux] -q xpath=condition specified [-x output file]


-q xpath=condition specified

Specifies the output conditions in XPath format. XPath is a language used to specify particular components of an XML document. It can be specified as follows:

  • To search for all logical servers:


  • To search for a logical server that has the name svr001:

    /%LogicalServer[./#observed/rc:LogicalServer/@name = 'svr001']

  • To search for a logical server that has Systemwalker Centric Manager installed:

    /%InstalledSoftware[./#observed/rc:InstalledSoftware/@productName = 'Systemwalker Centric Manager Enterprise Edition V13.2.0']/&GRelation/%LogicalServer


  • CMDB-specific extensions that use '%', '&', and '#' are added to the normal XPath axis.

  • '%' indicates the configuration item. Specify the type name for the configuration item after %. For example, '%LogicalServer' indicates the configuration item 'LogicalServer'.

  • '&' indicates the relation. Specify the type name for the relation after &. In normal cases, specify '&GRelation'.

  • By defining /%LogicalServer/&GRelation/%InstalledSoftware, it is possible to search InstalledSoftware that is related to LogicalServer (the search result will be InstalledSoftware).

  • '#' indicates the record. '#expected' indicates the expected record, and '#observed' indicates the observed record.

  • Refer to "Chapter 6 Configuration Item Format" for more details on configuration item definitions.

-x Output file

Specifies a name for the file that outputs the results. If this is omitted, the results will be displayed to standard output.

Return Values


Normal termination

Value other than 0:

Abnormal termination

Command Location


<Systemwalker Runbook Automation installation directory>\CMDB\FJSVcmdbm\bin
Note: The default location is C:\Fujitsu\Systemwalker\SWRBAM



Privilege Required/Execution Environment

