ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.0 Setup Guide

C.7.1 Creating Definition Files

This section explains how to create definition files.

For definition files common to virtual L-Servers, refer to "Chapter 8 Creating Definition Files".

This section explains the definition files specific to Solaris Containers.

Definition Files of Managed Resource Pools

In Resource Orchestrator, the resource pool for Solaris Containers with the name "pool_resource" is the target of management.

Managed resource pools for Solaris Containers can be changed by configuring values in the following definition files beforehand.

Use the UTF-8 character code for definition files.

Storage Location of the Definition File

[Windows Manager]

[Linux Manager]


The sample definition file (container_resource.sample.rcxprop) is stored in the storage location above.

When using the sample as the definition file, place the file after deleting the ".sample" included in the file name.

Definition File Name


Definition File Format

In the definition file, an item to define is entered on each line. Each line must be entered in the following format.

Key = Value

If there is duplicated configuration information for the same VM host, the values that appear first will be used.

Table C.21 Definition File Items




Specify this item when using common resource pools in the overall managed VM host (global zone) in Resource Orchestrator.

Admin IP address of the VM host

Define a resource pool for each managed VM host (global zone) in Resource Orchestrator.

  • When MANAGED_POOL and the admin IP address of the VM host are both specified, give priority to the admin IP address for VM host.

  • When there are no definitions corresponding to the managed VM host, the resource pool with the name "pool_resource" will be the target of management.


  • When definitions are changed during operation, or the resource pool name is changed in a Solaris Container environment, also change the calculation and display of the resource capacity in Resource Orchestrator. Do not change the definitions during operation.

  • When changing the VM host IP address, also modify the definition files.

  • When the descriptions start with a "#", the string is regarded as a comment line.