ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.0 Setup Guide

C.5.8 [OS] Tab Configuration

For Oracle VM, the values specified in the [OS] tab are not set.

Instead, it is necessary to specify a console password in the OS property definition file.

OS Property Definition File

When creating a VM guest using Oracle VM Manager, specify a console password for connection from Oracle VM Manager to VM guest console. The console password should be specified in the OS definition file in advance. Use the UTF-8 character code for OS property definition files.

Location of the Definition File

[Windows Manager]

[Linux Manager]

Definition File Name

The definition file name can be used by dividing into definitions that are available for each user group and definitions that are common to the system. If the key of the definition file common to the system is the same as a definition file for a user group, priority is given to the values indicated in the definition file for the user group.

  • For User Groups


  • Common on System


Definition File Format

In the definition file, an item to define is entered on each line. Each line is entered in the following format.

Key = Value

When adding comments, start the line with a number sign ("#").

Definition File Items

Specify the following items in a definition file. Other key specifications will be ignored.

Table C.18 List of Items





Console password


The string must be composed of alphanumeric characters and underscores ("_"), and can be up to 24 characters long.

Specify the password required to open the console.

Example Definition File

An example definition file is indicated below.

# group A
console_password = xxxxxxxx