ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.0 Setup Guide

C.4.6 Creating an L-Server

Use the following procedure to create L-Servers:

L-Server Operations

When using RHEL5-Xen, L-Server operations cannot be performed using the ROR console.
Use the rcxadm lserver command, for L-Server operations.
For details, refer to "3.6 rcxadm lserver" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE".

Changing L-Server Specifications

To change L-Server specifications, execute rcxadm lserver modify.
For details on the specifications that can be changed, refer to "13.3.2 Definition Information for Virtual L-Servers (XML)" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE".

The value after changing the specifications can be checked in the [Resource List] tab in the orchestration tree.

From the command-line, execute rcxadm lserver list and rcxadm lserver show.
For details, refer to "3.6 rcxadm lserver" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE".

Check the CAP value of a guest domain that is operating, using the virsh schedinfo command.

Check the CAP value of a guest domain that has been stopped, using the domain configuration files.

For details, refer to the "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Virtualization Guide".

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Virtualization Guide


The CAP value is calculated as follows:

CAP value = ((Specified_CPU_clock_speed GHz * 1000) * CPU_number * 100) / physical_CPU_clock_speed MHz