ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.0 Setup Guide

C.3.9 [OS] Tab Configuration

Enter the parameters to set for the OS when creating the L-Server. This setting is valid only if an image is specified in the [General] tab.

The setting process is performed the first time the L-Server is started. If an image name is not specified, it is not necessary to enter all these items.

Table C.17 List of Settings




Necessity of Entry

Values When Omitted

Host name/Computer name


L-Server Name

Enter the host name or computer name.
Enter a string of between 1 and 15 alphanumeric characters or hyphens ("-"), beginning with an alphanumeric character. The string cannot be composed solely of numbers.
If underscores ("_") or periods (".") are used in an L-Server name, they will be replaced with hyphens ("-"), because these characters cannot be used for host names or computer names.
If the basic information is not specified, the L-Server name is converted and set as indicated above.

Domain name



Enter the workgroup name. Settings for participation in a domain cannot be made.
Enter between 1 and 255 alphanumeric characters, hyphens ("-"), or periods ("."), using an alphabetic character for the first character.

DNS search path

Not Required


Enter a list of domain names to use for DNS searching, using between 1 and 32,767 characters. You can specify the same characters as the domain name.
To specify multiple domain names, use a blank space as the separator character.

Full name



Enter the Windows full name using between 1 and 50 characters.
By default, the value defined in the OS property definition file is entered.
When the OS type is Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, or Windows Vista, a full name cannot be set for guest OS's.

Organization name



Enter the organization name displayed in the Windows system properties using between 1 and 50 characters.
When the OS type is Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, or Windows Vista, an organization name cannot be set for guest OS's.

Product key


- (*1)

Omission not possible. Ensure that you specify a valid product key.

License mode

Not Required


Even if the license mode is specified, it is not configured in the guest OS.

Maximum number of connections

Not Required


Even if the maximum number of connections is specified, it is not configured in the guest OS.

Administrator password


- (*1)

Enter the same password as that specified for the local administrator account during L-Server creation.
When specifying a new password, the local administrator account will be overwritten.
Enter the password using between 1 and 128 alphanumeric characters or symbols.

Hardware clock configuration

Not Required


Specify one of the following:

  • UTC

  • Local (LOCAL)

Time zone


The same time zone as the OS of the manager

Specify the time zone of the OS.

*1: When the OS property definition file is specified, its values are configured.


OS Property Definition File

By setting the default values in an OS property definition file in advance, the default values of the information on the [OS] tab, etc. are generated when creating an L-Server.

For details, refer to "C.1.7 OS Property Definition File [VMware] [Hyper-V] [KVM]".


VM Guest Administrator Account Settings Necessary When Creating an L-Server with an Image Specified

When creating an L-Server with an image specified, it is necessary to enter the "administrator password" as a parameter.

The entered "administrator password" is the one set for the Administrator of the built-in administrator account, but on some localized editions of Windows the account name may differ. In addition, when the client OS is Windows 7 or Windows Vista, on standard installations the built-in administrator account is disabled, and the user account created during installation becomes the administrator account.

When an L-Server is created with a cloning image that was collected from a localized edition of Windows or a client OS specified, it is necessary to either configure an administrator account for the administrator and set a password, or change the name of the administrator account with the "Administrator password" so that it fits the description given in the definition file below.

Note that when using a definition file, it is not possible to define different administrator ID settings for different versions of images.

Location of the Definition File

[Windows Manager]

Definition File Name

The definition file name can be used by dividing into definitions that are available for each user group and definitions that are common to the system. Search the definition file of each user group, from the start, for the administrator name corresponding to the image. When there is no corresponding definition, search in the system's common definition file.

Modification of the definition file is soon reflected, and it becomes valid for the creation of L-Servers from that point.

  • For User Groups


  • Common on System


Definition File Format

In the definition file, describe the image name and account name for which the administrator password has been configured on a single line.

Image_name = "Administrator_account_name"

The Administrator_account_name is displayed enclosed in double quotes ( " ).

Blank spaces and tabs other than those in the Administrator_account_name are ignored.

It is possible to use an asterisk ("*") as a wildcard in image names. By specifying an asterisk ("*") it is possible to create substitute strings for strings of indefinite length.

When creating an L-Server from an image, the corresponding image name is searched for from the start of the definition file, and the specified "Administrator password" will be set for the specified administrator account name.

It is necessary to create the definition files using the following line break code and character codes:

  • Line Break Code


  • Character Code

    Shift-JIS in a Japanese environment, UTF-8 in other environments


An example definition file is indicated below.

  • Image names and administrator account names are set in pairs.

    FR_WIN2003_001 = "Administrator"
    EN_WIN7_001 = "root"
    EN_WIN7_002 = "admin"

  • For image names that start with "FR_WIN", use "Administrator" as the name of the administrator account.

    FR_WIN* = "Administrator"

  • Use "Administrator" as the name of the administrator account for all images. When an image name is specified using only a wildcard, the definition after that line will be ignored.

    * = "Administrator"