ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.0 Setup Guide

B.1.8 Definition File for Alive Monitoring

When using alive monitoring, create the definition file and specify the parameters for alive monitoring. The configuration of this parameter must be unique in the system.

When using alive monitoring on a physical L-Server, monitor hang-up of the operating system corresponding to a physical L-Server using the OS Ping response.
For details on Ping monitoring, refer to "Chapter 8 Configuring Monitoring Information" in the "Setup Guide VE".

Storage Location of the Definition File

The file in which the default values are described is located during installation.

[Windows Manager]

[Linux Manager]

Definition File Name


The file name is not case sensitive.

Definition File Format

In the definition file, the items to set are entered on individual lines. Each line is entered in the following format.


When adding comments, start the line with a number sign ("#").

Definition File Items

Specify the number of seconds of time-out for ping monitoring.

Enter an integer between 5 and 3,600. The unit is seconds.
"600" is specified as the default.


Specify recovery operations for when an error is detected.

Specify one of the following:

  • reboot (reboot)

  • force_reboot (forced reboot)

  • switchover (server switchover)

  • reboot_and_switchover (reboot and switchover)

  • force_reboot_and_switchover (forced reboot and switchover)

"reboot_and_switchover" is specified as the default.

If specifying "switchover" or "force_reboot_and_switchover", enable the server redundancy settings, when creating an L-Server.


Specify the number of reboots for recovery operations.

Enter an integer between 1 and 3. The unit is seconds.
"1" is specified as the default.


An example definition file is indicated below.

timeout = "600"
recovery = "reboot_and_switchover"
reboot = "1"


When applying the modified details to an already created L-Server, execute the rcxadm lserver modify command after changing the definition files.