ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.0 Setup Guide

Chapter 6 Importing a Certificate to a Browser

In order to use a test site certificate, the certificate must be installed to the Web browser.
Log in to the ROR Console, and perform the operations below while the [Account] dialog is open.
If these operations are not performed, the [Forward screen] dialog used by the ROR Console L-Platform application process cannot be displayed.
"Certificates" stated in this section refer to "server certificates".


  • The license settings must be completed, before starting operations in Resource Orchestrator. For details on how to configure licenses, refer to "License Setup" in "Chapter 5 License Setup and Confirmation".

  • If multiple admin clients are used, perform this operation on each admin client.

  1. Open the [Certificate] dialog.

    For Internet Explorer 8 and 9, open the "Certificate is invalid dialog" by clicking the "Certificate Error" displayed in the address bar. This will open an "Untrusted Certificate" or "Certificate Expired" message.
    Click the "View certificates" link displayed at the bottom of this dialog.

  2. Confirm that the "Issued to" and "Issued by" displayed in the [Certificate] dialog are both set to the IP address or host name (FQDN) used to generate the certificate.

  3. In the [Certificate] dialog, click <Install Certificate>.

  4. The [Certificate Import Wizard] dialog is displayed.

    Click <Next>>.

  5. Select "Place all certificates in the following store" and click <Browse>.

  6. The [Select Certificate Store] dialog is displayed.

    Select the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" and click <OK>.

  7. Click <Next>>.

  8. Check that "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" is selected and click <Finish>.

  9. Restart the Web browser.


  • When the OS is Windows 7 or later version, there may be cases where the URL of the ROR console must be registered in the "Trusted sites", depending on the details of OS security policies.

  • Enter the IP address or host name (FQDN) used to generate the certificate in the Web browser's URL bar. If the entered URL differs from that of the certificate, a certificate warning is displayed.
    An example of how to display a warning is given below.

    • The entered URL uses an IP address while the certificate was created using a host name (FQDN)

    • The admin server is set with multiple IP addresses, and the entered URL uses an IP address different from that used to generate the certificate