ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V15.0 Operation Guide

A.3.1 Pre-processing of restoration

The name of a script file for pre-processing of a restoration is as follows.

In the case of non-cluster operation
In the case of cluster operation
/etc/opt/FJSVswsts/<logic node name>/sh/OpcRestore.pre

A.3.1.1 Pre-processing script for restoration

  1: #!/bin/sh
  3: # AdvancedCopy Manager
  4: # All Rights Reserved, Copyright FUJITSU LIMITED, 2004-2009
  6: #
  7: #   Pre-processing of restoration processing
  8: #
  9: #          Argument: $1 Device or VG name of transaction disk
 10: #                         $2 Reserve
 11: #
 12: #  Error number
 13: #               2: Argument error
 14: #              10: umount error
 15: #              50: varyoff error
 16: #              99: Script not customize
 18: # Argument check
 19: case $# in
 20: 1)
 21:    ;;
 22: 2)
 23:    ;;
 24: *)
 25:    exit 2
 26:    ;;
 27: esac
 29: device=$1
 31: if [ "$SWSTGNODE" != "" ]
 32: then
 33:    swstg_node="/`echo $SWSTGNODE`"
 34: else
 35:    swstg_node=""
 36: fi
 38: err_log_path="/var/opt/FJSVswsts"$swstg_node"/log"
 40: # Determination of postprocessing file name
 41: if [ "`echo $device | /usr/bin/grep "/dev/hdisk"`" != "" ]
 42: then
 43:    dev_type="lvm_pv"
 44:    # /dev/hdisk? -> hdisk?
 45:    dev="`echo $device | /usr/bin/awk -F\/ '{ print $3 }'`"
 47: elif [ "`echo $device | /usr/bin/grep "/dev/vx/dmp/"`" != "" ]
 48: then
 49:    dev_type="vxvm_pv"
 50:    # /dev/vx/dmp/device -> device
 51:    dev="`echo $device | /usr/bin/awk -F\/ '{ print $5 }'`"
 53: elif [ "`echo $device | /usr/bin/grep "/dev/"`" != "" ]
 54: then
 55:    dev_type="lvm_vg"
 56:    # /dev/VG_Name -> VG_Name
 57:    dev="`echo $device | /usr/bin/awk -F\/ '{ print $3 }'`"
 59: else
 60:    # Other Volume
 61:exit 0
 62: fi
 64: post_file="/etc/opt/FJSVswsts"$swstg_node"/data/DEFAULT/"$dev".pre"
 66: # When the transaction disk is a volume group #############################
 67: if [ "$dev_type" = "lvm_vg" ]
 68: then
 70:    # Devices are volume group and script not customize
 71:    exit 99
 73:    # When devices of volume group was mounted
 74:    # Specify the name of volume group to unmount
 75:    if [ "$device" = "/dev/vgXX" ]
 76:    then
 77:       echo "mount" > $post_file
 79:       # Unmount all logical volumes of the volume group
 80:       mount_point="/XX"
 81:       /usr/sbin/umount $mount_point 2>/dev/null
 82:       if [ $? != 0 ]
 83:       then
 84:          retry_count=3
 85:          sleep_time=1
 86:          result_flag=1
 88:          while [ $retry_count -gt 0 ]
 89:          do
 90:             /usr/sbin/umount $mount_point > $err_log_path/$dev.umount 2>&1
 91:             if [ $? != 0 ]
 92:             then
 93:                retry_count=`expr $retry_count - 1`
 94:                /usr/bin/sleep $sleep_time
 95:             else
 96:                /usr/bin/rm -f $err_log_path/$dev.umount
 97:                result_flag=0
 98:                break
 99:             fi
100:          done
102:          if [ $result_flag != 0 ]
103:          then
104:             /usr/sbin/fuser -cu $mount_point> $err_log_path/$dev.fuser 2>&1 
105:             /usr/bin/ps -ef > $err_log_path/$ 2>&1 
107:             exit 10
108:          fi
109:       fi
111: #     mount_point="/XX"
112: #     /usr/sbin/umount $mount_point 2>/dev/null
113: #     if [ $? != 0 ]
114: #     then
115: #        retry_count=3
116: #        sleep_time=1
117: #        result_flag=1
118: #
119: #        while [ $retry_count -gt 0 ]
120: #        do
121: #           /usr/sbin/umount $mount_point > $err_log_path/$dev.umount 2>&1
122: #           if [ $? != 0 ]
123: #           then
124: #              retry_count=`expr $retry_count - 1`
125: #              sleep $sleep_time
126: #           else
127: #              rm -f $err_log_path/$dev.umount
128: #              result_flag=0
129: #              break
130: #           fi
131: #        done
132: #
133: #        if [ $result_flag != 0 ]
134: #        then
135: #           /usr/sbin/fuser -cu $mount_point> $err_log_path/$dev.fuser 2>&1 
136: #           /usr/bin/ps -ef > $err_log_path/$ 2>&1 
137: #
138: #           exit 10
139: #        fi
140: #     fi
141:    fi
143:    # varyoff the transaction volume.
144:    ACTIVE_VGS=`/usr/sbin/lsvg -o`
145:    for i in $ACTIVE_VGS
146:    do
147:       if [ "$dev" = "$i" ]
148:       then
149:          /usr/sbin/varyoffvg $i 2> /dev/null
150:          if [ $? != 0 ]
151:          then
152:             /usr/sbin/varyoffvg $i > $err_log_path/$dev.varyoffvg 2>&1
153:             if [ $? != 0 ]
154:             then
155:                exit 50
156:             else
157:                /usr/bin/rm -f $err_log_path/$dev.varyoffvg 2>&1
158:             fi
159:          fi
160:          break
161:       fi
162:    done
164: # When the transaction disk is a VxVM physical volume #########################
165: elif [ "$dev_type" = "vxvm_pv" ]
166: then
167:    # Nothing is done to VxVM physical volume. 
168:    echo "none" > $post_file
170: # When the transaction disk is a LVM physical volume ##########################
171: elif [ "$dev_type" = "lvm_pv" ]
172: then
173:    # Nothing is done to LVM physical volume. 
174:    echo "none" > $post_file
176: fi
178: exit 0

Restore processing is not possible on a mounted transaction volume that cannot be unmounted. Specify a device at the restore destination.