ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V15.0 Operation Guide

8.7.1 acmcapture (AdvancedCopy Manager's agent troubleshooting data collection command)


acmcapture - Collection of AdvancedCopy Manager's agent troubleshooting data


/opt/FJSVswstf/bin/acmcapture dirname


This command collects AdvancedCopy Manager's agent troubleshooting data. Data is collected for AdvancedCopy Manager's agent installed on the Managed Server where this command is executed.

Only the root user can execute this command.

Troubleshooting data file name

The collected data is stored in a file with the "acmcapture_HOSTNAME_YYYYMMDD_ttmmss.tar.Z" format under the directory specified for "dirname".

The name of the host where the command is executed is used for HOSTNAME. If characters other than alphanumerics and hyphens are used in the host name, then "NOHOSTNAME" is used as the host name. Values are truncated to 15 characters.



Directory where the troubleshooting data is stored.
Specify a directory with plenty free space (500MB or more) is recommended. Regard 500MB as a rough guide, since the size of the troubleshooting data will vary depending on the system environment and conditions. If there is not enough free space, then this command will terminate abnormally without collecting troubleshooting data.
Specify an existing directory, otherwise this command will terminate abnormally without collecting troubleshooting data.


=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally