ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V15.0 Operation Guide

8.5.1 Starting and stopping the communication daemon

Starting the communication daemon

Enter the following command to stop the communication daemon:

# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgfwcom start
Stopping the communication daemon

Enter the following command to stop the communication daemon:

# /opt/FJSVswstf/bin/stgfwcom stop


In order to verify if the communication daemon has been launched normally, please check if the message stgxfws0060 has been generated in the syslog.

Use the following methods to check the syslog message output from the communication daemon when you have specified a logical node name.

  • The message stgxfws0001 outputs for the logical node name and the process ID.
    Use the process ID as a basis for checking the message output from the communication daemon.

  • If there is no output of message stgxfws0060, the daemon launch has possibly failed.
    Use the syslog message to determine the cause and take the necessary measures according to the "ETERNUS SF Messages".


The process ID for the communication daemon, which was launched specifying the logical node name nodeagt0, is 5893, but the message output to syslog after starting to launch is stgxfws0023.

Dec 10 12:19:34 hs stgxfws[5893]: UX:stgxfws : INFO : 0001 : stgxfws start. PID=5893, NodeName=nodeagt0
Dec 10 12:19:34 hs stgxfws[5893]: UX:stgxfws : ERROR : 0023 : stgxfws type get error. iReturn=174, errno=2