This process can be executed using either Web Console or stgxfwcmsetdev (Device information collection/reflection command).
Device information on the Managed Server must briefly be stored in the repository.
The area required when updating the repository may not be available when information concerning devices under multiple Managed Servers is fetched. Therefore, check if there is sufficient area for updating the repository before fetching the device information. If there is insufficient area, allocate the required area before fetching the device information.
For the procedure, refer to the following manual that is applicable to the operating system of the Management Server:
Step 2, "Troubleshooting: Failure in accessing a repository database" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operation Guide".
The time required for this operation depends on the total number of devices defined on the Managed Server. If the number of devices is large, perform this operation while the CPU load and I/O load are both low. As a guideline, each operation takes about 0.5 seconds per device (or partition) under no-load conditions.
For a device that is part of an LVM, a volume group and a logical device are fetched, but the physical device which constitutes a logical device is not.
No information will be obtained for a volume group is inactive when the operation is executed. When a backup is in progress a volume group which is registered as a backup volume will become inactive, so it would not be detected by this operation. Do not issue an instruction to delete a volume in use.