Backup history information can be referenced using swsthistdisp (History information display command).
Backup history information can be deleted using swsthistdel (History information deletion command).
Even when the history information created during backup operations with the suspend specification is deleted, an associated EC session is not released.
Deleting history information during ordinary synchronous high-speed backup releases the backup volume, and "Backup(free)" is displayed in the Device-Mode field by swstdevdisp (Device use status display command).
Deleting history information during backup operations with the suspend specification does NOT release the backup volume after the information is deleted, and "Backup(used)" is displayed in the Device-Mode field by swstdevdisp (Device use status display command).
The process of deleting ordinary backup history information and backup history information with the suspend specification is shown below.
Figure 4.8 Deleting ordinary backup history information and backup history information with the suspend specification