ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V15.0 Operation Guide

3.6.1 Adding a device

After a device is added to any Managed Server, incorporate it into the backup as described below.
This process can be carried out using either Web Console or commands.
For information on adding a device using commands, refer to the following steps:

  1. Use stgxfwcmsetdev (Device information collection/reflection command) in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operation Guide" for the OS of the Management server to acquire information for the newly added device, and accept management information.

  2. Use swstdevinfoset (Device information setting command) to set up the operation type of the added device.

  3. If the added device was defined as a transaction volume, use swstbkpolset (Backup policy setting command) to set up the backup policy.


  • System resources such as disk and memory resources may be insufficient when a device is added. Re-estimate the system resource requirements before adding a device.

    Refer to "Required resources for operation" under "Operating environment of AdvancedCopy Manager's agent" in the "ETERNUS SF Installation and Setup Guide" for details.

  • There may not be sufficient area available for updating the repository when a device is added. Check if the area required when updating the repository is available before obtaining the device information. If there is insufficient area, free an area, then obtain the device information.

    For the procedure, refer to the version of the following manual that applies to the OS of the Management Server:

    • "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operation Guide", step 2 of "Troubleshooting: Failure in accessing a repository database"

  • The repository (directory for the DB space that stores repository data) may be too small when a device is added. Re-estimate the repository size before adding a device. Refer to "Estimation of database size" in the "ETERNUS SF Installation and Setup Guide" for details.
    If the estimation result is less than 65 megabytes, the size does not need to be increased. If it is more than 65 megabytes, extend the size before adding a device. Refer to "7.2.1 Troubleshooting: Insufficient free space in a repository" for details.