Synchronous high-speed backup can be carried out using either Web Console or commands.
If operating with commands, perform the backup synchronous process, then carry out the backup for the transaction volume that you need to backup. For details on commands, refer to the following:
Starting backup synchronous process: swststartsync (Backup synchronous processing start command)
Checking the status of backup synchronous process: swstsyncstat (Backup synchronous processing progress status command)
Executing backup: swstbackup (Backup execution command)
Checking backup status: swstbackstat (Backup execution status display command)
The swstbackup (Backup execution command) causes an error if it is executed before the transaction and backup volumes have entered equivalency maintenance status.
The device map cannot be specified while backup is processing.
When the "Chapter 4 Backup Operation using Suspend/Resume Function" is used for synchronous high-speed backup, the operations listed below cannot be performed from the Web Console. Enter the appropriate command for operation.
If one transaction volume has multiple synchronous processing (ie, EC sessions), specify the backup volume and cancel only the specified EC session swstcancelsync (Backup synchronous processing cancel command).