ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V15.0 Operation Guide

3.4.7 Setting a backup policy

For all transaction volumes registered on a Managed Server, set the following backup policy parameters:

This process can be carried out using either Web Console or swstbkpolset (Backup policy setting command).


  • Even if the number of interval days has been specified, AdvancedCopy Manager does not automatically invoke the backup when the date for the next backup is reached. This value is used only to prompt the user to perform backup when the number of backup interval days is exceeded.

  • When you set a backup policy, there must be as many registered backup volumes as required to perform backup according to the specified backup policy. For information on the necessary number of backup volumes, refer to "3.2.4 Preparing a backup volume".

  • Even though the number of backup volumes required for the backup may not have been registered when backup policies for synchronized high-speed backup were set, this number can be set by default provided the number of backup volumes required for snapshot fast backup has been previously registered. Otherwise, it may not be possible to execute synchronized high-speed backup.


The registered backup policy can be confirmed using either Web Console or swstbkpoldisp (Backup policy display command).