ETERNUS SF Express V15.0 Operation Guide

5.1.1 Backing up Express's manager environment (Windows)

It is required to back up the Express's manager environment to recover from failure on the Management Server.
Perform the following procedure to back up the Express's manager environment.
All operations are performed on the Management Server.


About description in the procedure:

Directory name



This is a backup destination directory.


This is the "Program Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.


This is the "Environment Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.


This is the "Work Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.

  1. Stop the ETERNUS SF Express Tomcat service.

    Open Service Control Manager to stop the following service.

    • ETERNUS SF Express Tomcat Service

  2. Create a backup data.

    Using Explorer, create the following backup directories:

    • $BAK_DIR\Common

    Execute the following command to create a backup data. Specify 15432 to <port number> by default. If you have changed the port number, specify that port number to <port number>. The file name of the created backup data is <file_name>.

    $INS_DIR\Common\sys\postgres\bin\pg_dump -U esfpostgres -C --attribute-inserts -p <port number> -f $BAK_DIR\Common\<file_name> esfdb

    The prompt is displayed, and waiting for input. Input the following strings.

  3. Execute the following batch to stop the ETERNUS SF Manager services.



    When the batch is executed, the message that ETERNUS SF Manager Tomcat Service has been already stopped is displayed many times. Please ignore because there is no problem.

  4. Back up the management information for disk storage system.

    Using Explorer, create the following backup directory:

    • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\var\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\opencimom\logr

    Copy the subdirectories and files in the following source directory to the backup destination directory.

    Source directory

    Destination directory



  5. Back up an essential file.

    If a file does not exist, this step is unnecessary.

    Using Explorer, create the following backup directory.

    • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\var\opt\FJSVssmgr\current

    Copy the following backup source file to the backup destination directory.

    Source file

    Destination directory



  6. Back up files that are related to the performance management function.

    If you are not using the performance management function, this step is unnecessary. if there is no subdirectory or file, you don' need to backup.

    Using Explorer, create the following backup directory.

    • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current

    • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\perfconf

    • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\var\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\perf

    Copy the subdirectories and files in the following source directory to the backup destination directory.

    Source file

    Destination directory



    Copy the subdirectories and files in the following source directory to the backup destination directory.

    Source directory

    Destination directory





  7. Back up customizable files.

    It is unnecessary to back up the files or directories which are not existed.

    Using Explorer, create the following backup directory.

    • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current

    • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\eventmail

    Copy the following backup source file to the backup destination directory.

    Source file

    Destination directory



    Copy the subdirectories and files in the following source directory to the backup destination directory.

    Source directory

    Destination directory



  8. Back up the polling service setting file.

    This step can be skipped if you are not customizing the polling service setting file.

    If customizing the polling service setting file pollingService.xml, follow the step below to back it up.

    Create the following backup directory in Explorer or a similar program.

    • $BAK_DIR\ESC\Manager\etc\opt\FJSVssmgr\current\polling

    Using Explorer or a similar program, copy the following file to its backup location.

    Copy Source File

    Copy Destination Directory



  9. Back up the files associated with definition of copy group and copy pair.

    This step is required only when using Advanced Copy function.

    Using Explorer, create the following backup directories.

    • $BAK_DIR\CCM\etc

    • $BAK_DIR\CCM\etc\db

    • $BAK_DIR\CCM\etc\db\cg

    • $BAK_DIR\CCM\etc\prop

    • $BAK_DIR\CCM\var\micc\database

    Copy the following backup source files to the backup destination directory.

    Source file

    Destination directory





    If the following source files exist, copy them to the backup destination directory.

    Source file

    Destination directory







    Copy the subdirectories and files in the following backup source directory to the backup destination directory.

    Source directory

    Destination directory



  10. Back up the license management database.

    Using Explorer, create the following backup directory:

    • $BAK_DIR\LM

    Execute the following command. The file specified with <file_name> will be created as a backup file.

    $INS_DIR\LM\bin\esflm backup $BAK_DIR\LM\<file_name>
  11. Execute the following batch to start the ETERNUS SF Manager services.
