This chapter explains how to set up Resource Orchestrator after installation.
The items to set up after installation are indicated below.
Register the resources to manage with Resource Orchestrator
Register the resources to manage with Resource Orchestrator.
For details on registering the resources to manage with Resource Orchestrator, refer to "8.1 Registering Resources with Resource Orchestrator".
Register Infrastructure Administrators
The administrator role, which is the role that combines infrastructure administrator and tenant administrator roles, is assigned to the user created when installing Resource Orchestrator. Resource Orchestrator can be configured and operated by this user or another user registered with the infrastructure administrator role, in order to prevent the operation of an L-Platform from being stopped by erroneous operations.
For details on how to register network resources, refer to "9.1 Registering User Accounts" in the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".
Create Cloning Images
A cloning image is a system disk collected from a server with an OS installed that is saved for deployment to another server. By deploying a cloning image when creating an L-Server, there is no need to install an OS or software. A cloning image is required to use the L-Platform function.
Cloning images used in common throughout the entire system are created by the infrastructure administrator. Collect cloning images after creating an L-Server or from an existing server.
The tenant administrator can create L-Platforms using the cloning images created by the infrastructure administrator, and can collect cloning images by editing the included L-Server system images. This enables tenant-unique cloning images to be created.
For details, refer to "8.6 Collecting and Registering Cloning Images".
Create an L-Server Template
An L-Server template comprises pre-defined specifications (number of CPUs, memory capacity, disk capacity, number of NICs, etc.) for an L-Server.
L-Server templates are created by the infrastructure administrator.
For details, refer to "8.5 Creating L-Server Templates".
Create an L-Platform Template
An L-Platform template defines systems of various levels in advance.
L-Platform templates used in common throughout the entire system are created by the infrastructure administrator.
The tenant administrator can edit the L-Platform templates created by the infrastructure administrator to create tenant-unique L-Platform templates.
For details, refer to "8.7 Creating L-Platform Templates".