Set the path of target for saving the map file prepared in “10.2.1 Create the Target for Saving Map File” for the location map function.
Log on to the AC Menu with the account of system administrator.
→ The AC menu will be displayed.
Click [Location Map].
→ Microsoft® Visio® will be started.
*Before logon, when Microsoft® Visio® is starting, start a new Microsoft® Visio®. The started Microsoft® Visio® will become active.
From the menu bar of Microsoft® Visio®, select [Desktop Patrol] - [Location Map] - [Environment Construction] - [Setup of the Storage Location of Map-File]
→ The [Setup of the Storage Location of Map-File] window will be displayed.
Please set the path for saving map file in the saving target folder, and click the “OK” button.
* When specifying the network folder from the “Browse” button, please re-allocate the network drive.
When access error occurred in Windows Vista®, Windows® 7
When specifying a network folder that requires user name and password for the saving target folder, it is likely that the saving target of map file with access error cannot be set.
In the above condition, it is required to enter the user name and password corresponding to the network folder from Microsoft® Visio®. From the menu bar of Microsoft® Visio®, select [File] - [Open] to open the specified network folder and the user name and password can be entered.
The operation of entering user name and password as mentioned above is required every time when the OS is restarted. To specify the network folder for the saving target folder, it is recommended to use the environment that does not require user name and password.