The operation procedure of auditing and controlling PC operational configuration (power saving settings and security settings) is as follows.
Overview of Operation
The audit/control of PC operational configuration is performed according to the following flow.
Auditing Plan
Perform the planning of power saving auditing and security auditing on the operation system.
Audit and Collect
Collect the information of PC setting status (power saving settings and security settings).
Know and Analyze
Confirm and analyze the PC setting status (power saving settings and security settings).
For PC that requires analysis result and countermeasure, modify settings by force and execute operation guide.
The flow of auditing/controlling PC operational configuration is shown below.
Flow of Operation
This section describes the flow of operation when auditing/controlling the PC operational configuration.
Through installing Systemwalker Desktop Patrol and collecting information, the current power saving/security status can be known.
Set the item to be audited in policy and the set status can be confirmed through regularly check the status window or report result.
When CT is running on virtual PC
When CT is judged to be running on a virtual PC, perform the following processing for power saving and security auditing.
Power Saving auditing
The virtual PC runs as the guest OS on virtual server, and it is not the status of physical PC. Therefore, since the setting value related to the power saving of PC (time to access standby) has no meaning, power saving audit will not be performed.
In addition, the "Power Saving" tab of the Diagnosis result window of operation settings cannot be displayed.
Security auditing
The virtual PC runs as the guest OS on virtual server, so it is no need to set the BIOS/HDD password.
Therefore, BIOS/HDD password will not be audited.
Set the period of the following two stages and perform proper information collection and customization. Confirm the effects of control from knowing the current status to the power saving and security settings.
Audit/Control period
In order to know the period of power saving and security settings, the control operation of power saving and security settings is performed here.
In this period, check the status window or report result to confirm the status of power saving and security settings.
Customized period
After the power saving and security settings are known, it will become the period for compulsory change and customization for individual PC.
Check the status window or report result regularly to confirm the status of power saving and security settings. If customization is needed, further change of policy is required.