Systemwalker Desktop Patrol V14g Operation Guide: for Administrators

3.1.6 Perform Settings Related to Operation Processing

In the following window, perform operation processing according to the judgment of system administrator/section administrator.


  • For the following PC, processing except inventory deletion cannot be executed.

    • PC in which the version of CT is prior to V13.2.0

    • PC on which the inventory information is collected through command mode CT

    • PC on which the inventory information is collected through other products

  • Only the latest 20 items of processing instructions for 1 PC are effective. Therefore, if the instruction content that is not processed exceeds 21 items for one PC, the previous processing instructions will be invalid.

  • If the processing result is not notified 7 days after the processing is instructed, it indicates that the processing result was ended abnormally.

The following describes the operation processing that is likely to occur in each window.

Operation Processing

Window that can use the operation

○: can be processed
×: cannot be processed

Processing window

Inventory information window

Message Sending

Inventory Collection

Inventory Delete

Security Patch Installation

○ (Note 1)


Security Settings Modification

○ (Note 2)


Power Saving Settings Modification

○ (Note 3)


Note 1) Can be processed only in case of “PC Not Installing Security Patches
Note 2) Can be processed only in case of “PC Violating Power Saving Policy”
Note3) Can be processed only in case of “PC that violates power saving policy”

The following describes the setting method.


The setting for performing operation processing can only be done by system administrator.

The procedure is as follows.

  1. Log in to the Main Menu, click [Environment Setup].

    →The [Environment Setup] window will be displayed.

  2. Click [Option], and view [Settings~of Action]. Modify the settings according to operation and click the [Apply] button.

The setting items are described in order as follows.

Automatic E-mail Notification of Action Content

It is the settings when the processing content that has been done is notified through E-mail automatically.



Automatic E-mail notification action content

Notify the processing content that has been done through E-mail automatically.
Please select how to notify the processing content automatically through E-mail and put a check to the checkbox.

  • Notify the action by the system administrator to all system administrators

  • Notify the action by the section administrator to all system administrators

  • Notify the action by the section administrator to related section administrators

  • Notify the action to the administrator himself

The content to be notified by E-mail is the content of performed processing and the list file of PCs that perform the processing.

The format of list file of PC to process is equivalent to the format of “CSV Export” of the processing window.


When performing automatic E-mail notification

E-mail environment settings and settings of E-mail address are required for system administrator or section administrator to perform automatic E-mail notification.

  • Settings of E-mail environment

    Set E-mail environment in [Environment Setup] - [Option] - [Settings of E-mail Environment]. Only the system administrator can perform the setting.

  • E-mail address settings

    Please set the E-mail address of recipient. For details on how to set, please refer to “2.1 Construct Master Data”.


    When E-mail address is not set in recipient address, automatic E-mail notification will not be performed.


Recipient of automatic E-mail notification to section administrator

Even if notification to the section administrator of the section to which the PC belongs is performed, if there is no section administrator for the section it belongs, notification will be sent to the nearest upstream section.

The following is the example when problem occurred in the PC that belongs to the section C and automatic notification is sent to the section administrator.

When performing the processing “Message Sending”

Template using for Action [Message Sending] Confirmation Session

Manage the template that can be specified in the processing [Message Sending] confirmation dialog.

The list of action [Message Sending] confirmation session is displayed in the following sequence in the row.

Description relating to the template list



Use in confirmation dialog box

  • Yes

    Select the created template when it can be specified in the [Message Sending] confirmation dialog.

  • No

    Select it when you wish to create a temporary template.

Template name

It is the name of template.

Click the display content button, the template name can be edited, and the template content can be confirmed/edited. To close the content, please click the hide content button.

Description related to button

Button Name



Create a new template in the template list.

Up to 50 templates can be added.


Delete a template from the template list.

Move up/Move down

Select the template to be moved and click the Move button, the sequence of template will be modified and the sequence will be reflected to the list of confirmation dialogs.

Click the Display Content button, and the content of template can be edited.



Template Name

Please enter the template name with characters of no more than 128 characters.

It cannot be omitted.

Body Text

Please enter the body text of action [Message Sending] with characters of no more than 2048 characters.

In addition, since the following samples are provided, please use it as needed.

  • The sample for the action [Message Sending] (PC Not Collecting Inventory information)

The following settings are required based on the content of processing. Please perform settings according to requirements.

When performing “Security Patch Installation

Please perform settings for the installation of security patches. For details on how to set, please refer to “Chapter 7 Distribute/Install Security Patches”.

When “Security Settings Modification

Please perform the setting for modifying the security settings. For details on how to set, please refer to “4.2.2 Settings Related to Auditing Security Settings”.

IN addition, settings related to the operation of action [Security Settings Modification] should also be performed.



Security Settings Modification

If “Display the “Set the items that does not allow auto-processing to auditing OK” Settings” is selected, this option will be displayed in the confirmation dialog appeared after the processing [Security Settings Modification] is selected.

This option does not perform auto-processing for actual PC.

When performing “Power Saving Settings Modification

Please perform the settings for modifying the power saving settings. For details on how to set, please refer to “4.2.1 Settings for Auditing Power Saving Settings”.