Systemwalker Service Quality Coordinator User's Guide (Dashboard Edition)

3.5.1 Deleting the Interstage Business Process Manager Analytics Client

  1. In Control Panel >> Add or Remove Programs, select "Interstage Business Process Manager Analytics" and click the Remove.

  2. Follow the dialog to uninstall Interstage Business Process Manager Analytics.

  3. When uninstallation is complete, delete the Analytics Studio's work area.
    Delete the following directory:

    <workspace selected when starting Eclipse>\Interstage BPM Analytics


Refer to the following manual for details:

  • Interstage Business Process Manager Analytics V11.1 Installation Guide


If the client is in the same environment as the Interstage Business Process Manager Analytics Server, then the client is uninstalled when you uninstall the server. In that case the steps described in this section would be unnecessary.