Systemwalker Service Quality Coordinator User's Guide (Dashboard Edition)

1.1 What Is the Dashboard?

The dashboard provides a customizable display of important information extracted from the array of data collected by the Systemwalker Service Quality Coordinator, making the information readily available for day to day oversight and operations. While the console provides a standard fixed view for Systemwalker Service Quality Coordinator data, the display of the dashboard is highly customizable, so you can create a presentation of data that is most appropriate for your needs. The console and dashboard have different roles, for instance:


The system administrator uses the console to review and analyze operations occurring across the entire system.


The dashboard is used by managers to view the status of areas of the system they are responsible for.

Individual users employ the Analytics Studio (provided with Systemwalker Service Quality Coordinator) to create their own dashboards which contain only the information they need, in the exact layout they want, showing graphs in the format they choose. These customized dashboards can be viewed with a Web browser.