Edit ecoAgentInfo.txt (the configuration information file of the device to be monitored) to define the device to be monitored from which ECO information is to be collected.
<variable file storage directory>\control\ecoAgentInfo.txt |
/etc/opt/FJSVssqc/ecoAgentInfo.txt |
IP address (host name), version, Community name, and device name |
Specify the IP address or host name of the SNMP agent.
Specify the SNMP version. You can specify either v2 or v2c.
If v2c is specified as the SNMP version, then the method of collecting performance information can be changed by specifying a value.
v2: Collects performance information with GETNEXT.
v2c: Collects performance information with GETBULK.
Specify the Community name of the SNMP agent.
Specify the device name defined in collectOID.txt (the ECO information collection definitions file of the device to be monitored).
IP address (host name), version, user name, password, authentication type, and device name |
Specify the IP address or host name of the SNMP agent.
Specify v3.
Specify the user name used for authentication.
Specify the password for the user name used for authentication.
Specify the encrypted password generated with the genpwd command.
Refer to "A.6 genpwd (password encryption command)" for details about how to use the genpwd command to generate encrypted passwords.
Specify MD5 (the default) or SHA.
Specify the device name defined in collectOID.txt (the ECO information collection definitions file of the device to be monitored).
# List of parameter information for SNMP agents |