Privileges required for execution
The privileges of a user belonging to the "Administrators" group are required to make these settings.
System administrator (superuser) privileges are required to make these settings.
The collection program (CGI) and the transfer program (CGI) are executed using the user permissions for CGI. For this reason, access permissions associated with the location of temporary files (the collection directory included in the installation materials for Manager or Proxy Manager) must be appropriate for the user permissions for CGI.
If the access permissions for the installation materials have been collectively changed to improve security, log in to the system with Administrator authority and use the following procedure to return the access permissions of the collection directory to the state existing immediately after installation. (The security risk will increase.)
C:\> installation directory\bin\sqcSetFileSec.exe -u variable file directory\wslm |
# chmod 777 /var/opt/FJSVssqc/wslm |