Before setting up collection policies, check that the Systemwalker Operation Manager services or daemons are running.
However, note that there is no need for the Systemwalker Operation Manager services or daemons to be running if a definition file (jla.ini) has been set up.
Note that if the objects to be analyzed are not specified in the definition file (jla.ini) before a collection policy is set up, analysis will take place as follows:
If subsystems to be analyzed are not specified in the definition file (jla.ini), only the subsystems that are operating when the collection policy is created will be analyzed.
If projects to be analyzed are not specified in the definition file (jla.ini), only the projects that are registered when the collection policy is created will be analyzed.
If queues to be analyzed are not specified in the definition file (jla.ini), only queues that are specified in the Systemwalker Operation Manager initialization file (Job Execution Control) when the collection policy is created will be analyzed.
Execute the sqcRPolicy and sqcSetPolicy commands by referring to "A.1 Server Resource Information Collection Policy Creation Command".
If subsystems, queues or projects are added or deleted after collection policies have been set up, change the collection regime to match the system configuration for Systemwalker Operation Manager by creating and applying collection policies again.
After collection policies are created and applied, the changes must be reflected to the Console. Use the Agent Setup window to get configuration information by referring to Section, "Agents" in the User's Guide (Console Edition).