Execution environment
Service Quality Coordinator can be linked to Systemwalker Operation Manager by installing a Systemwalker Service Quality Coordinator Agent on a Systemwalker Operation Manager server.
Refer to Section 1.2.3, "Installation types corresponding to management types" in the Technical Guide for information about the relationship with supported installation types.
Tasks to perform on the Systemwalker Operation Manager side
Before creating and applying collection policies, the following preparations and checks are required on the Systemwalker Operation Manager side.
Systemwalker Operation Manager must be installed.
The Systemwalker Operation Manager environment must be set up.
The settings must be made so that the operation results information file is saved when the environment is set up.
If the number of jobs that exceed the estimated execution time is to be analyzed, Notify when job is not terminated even after the specified time is lapsed must be specified in the Event output settings of the Jobscheduler startup parameters when the environment is set up.
All the Systemwalker Operation Manager services or daemons must be running.
Note, however, that if only the specific subsystems, queues and projects described are to be analyzed, there is no need for the Systemwalker Operation Manager services or daemons to be running.
If a queue is added, changed or deleted, or if the storage location of the operation results information file is changed, restart the Systemwalker Operation Manager services or daemons in initialized mode to enable the new settings.
Refer to the Systemwalker Operation Manager manuals for more information.