Systemwalker Service Quality Coordinator User's Guide

1.3.3 Setup

  1. Execute the sqcSetPolicy command.

    Definition location


    <Installation directory>\bin\sqcSetPolicy.exe [-h <host name>] [-p <IP address>]


    /opt/FJSVssqc/bin/ [-h <host name>] [-p <IP address>]

    Refer to Section 1.1.3, "sqcSetPolicy(Policy Application Command)" in the Reference Guide for details.


    If the Policy Creation Command (sqcRPolicy) has never been executed before, execute the Policy Creation Command (sqcRPolicy) before performing this procedure.

    Definition location


    <Installation directory>\bin\sqcRPolicy.exe



    Executing the sqcSetPolicy command creates a collection definition file based on the Oracle collection SQL definition source file.

    Definition location


    <Variable file storage directory>\control\<Section name>_all_sel.sql

    <Variable file storage directory>\control\<Section name>_<Oracle version>_sel.sql


    /etc/FJSVssqc/<Section name>_all_sel.sql

    /etc/opt/FJSVssqc/<Section name>_<Oracle version>_sel.sql

    Definition files

    <Section name> : This part of the file name will be set to the Oracle collection section name defined by "template.dat".

    <Oracle version> : This part of the file name will be set to the Oracle version name defined by "template.dat".

    The "<Section name>_all_sel.sql" definition file contains definitions for the collection SQL statements that are common to all Oracle versions.

    Note: These names are based on "dsa_ora_all.sql".

    The "<section name>_<Oracle version>_sel.sql" definition files contain definitions for the collection SQL statements that are specific to each version of Oracle.

    Note: This file is based on "dsa_ora_<Oracle version>.sql".

    [Definition example]




    If multiple instances are being monitored (that is, if multiple Oracle collection definition sections have been added to "template.dat"), a definition file will be generated for each monitored instance.

  2. Start Systemwalker Service Quality Coordinator.

    After about five minutes have elapsed (or ten minutes, if "pull" operations are being used), get configuration information from the Admin Console.


    Depending on the environment, collection may not complete before the collection interval elapses if there is a large amount of performance data. In this case, it is necessary to make adjustments, such as reducing the number of items so that collection can complete within the collection interval.

If the Oracle instances being monitored are modified after the collection policy has been created and applied, repeat the procedure in this section again.

Note also that if the collection policy is set up more than once, the new policy will need to be reflected to the Console. Get configuration information using the Agent Settings window by referring to Section, "Agents" in the User's Guide (Console Edition).