Transaction breakdown analysis information can be displayed using the following method.
The Monitor can be displayed by selecting one of the following nodes from the Summary Tree: "Interstage(EJB)" node (Interstage(EJB)Monitor), the "Interstage(TD)" node (Interstage(TD)Monitor), the "Interstage(CORBA)" node (Interstage(CORBA)Monitor) or the "Interstage(IJServer)" node (Interstage(IJServer)Monitor).
A separate node for each Work Unit is generated under the "Interstage (TxnAnalysis)" node in the Detailed tree. Selecting a Work Unit displays all of the transactions that have been executed by that Work Unit. By setting up transaction ID nodes, information can be displayed for each individual transaction. Refer to Section, "Interstage (TxnAnalysis) tree" in the User's Guide (Console Edition) for more information.
Full system inspection analysis/report
Categorized diagnostic analysis/report
Detailed analysis/report