Systemwalker Service Quality Coordinator User's Guide

1.1.2 Transaction breakdown analysis

If "transaction breakdown analysis" is performed for IJServer Work Units, make the following settings from the Interstage Management Console.

When transaction breakdown analysis measurements are made, only some data is sampled, because collecting information for all transactions that are running would increase the overheads for the system.

The default sampling frequency is 0.1%. In other words, data is collected for one transaction out of every 1,000 transactions. This sampling frequency can be changed using the "measurement interval" Interstage operating parameter.

Usually, Fujitsu recommends operating with the default value of 1000. Change the frequency only when there are very few transactions and very little transaction breakdown analysis data can be collected. The default value (1000) assumes a load of about 10 transactions per second. When changing the default value, change the value so that information is collected about once every 100 seconds.

If the measurement interval is too short, the overheads on the system will increase. Once the load increases beyond a certain point (that is, once an internal buffer fills up), data collection is temporarily suspended in order to prevent the load from increasing any further. As a result, there will be gaps in the transaction breakdown analysis data. If this happens, there will be gaps in the sequence of transaction IDs, which are normally numbered in ascending order. This can be checked by displaying collection data in the Drilled-Down view.

Refer to Section, "Interstage(TxnAnalysis) tree" in the User's Guide (Console Edition) for more information about transaction IDs.

If gaps are found in the sequence of transaction IDs, this means that the measurement interval is too short, so review the settings.


Refer to the Interstage Application Server manual for more information about how to make these settings.