ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Setup Guide

Chapter 10 Saving Environment Settings

This chapter explains how to save environment settings.

The configuration of a Resource Coordinator VE setup can be saved to guard against unexpected problems. Use the pre-configuration export function and the troubleshooting data collection command (rcxadm mgrctl snap) to save settings.
This troubleshooting data can be used in conjunction with the data later collected when a problem occurs for a more effective investigation, and should therefore be stored with caution.


  • Refer to "7.3 Exporting the System Configuration File" for details on the pre-configuration function.

  • For details on the collection of troubleshooting data, refer to "15.1 Types of Troubleshooting Data" in the "ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Operation Guide".

  • For details on these commands, refer to "5.6 rcxadm mgrctl" of the "ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Command Reference".