ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Setup Guide

9.4 Conditions Required for Auto-Recovery

A server for which Auto-Recovery is enabled will be automatically switched over to its spare server if Resource Coordinator VE detects both a failure from the server hardware and determines that its physical OS (or VM host) has stopped.


  • Notification of hardware failures on rack mount servers and tower servers is only detected by an SNMP trap.

  • Auto-Recovery is not triggered on servers that are in maintenance mode.

  • Even if a hardware failure is detected, Auto-Recovery will not be triggered if no response is received from the target server. In such cases, shutting down or restarting the server will temporarily stop the operating system, triggering an automatic switchover as the conditions for Auto-Recovery will be met. Under such conditions, automatic switchovers can be prevented by setting the server to maintenance mode before shutdown or restart.

  • For PRIMERGY Partition Models, Auto-Recovery does not take place under the following conditions.

    • The Reserved SB is assigned to an active server

    • The active server is placed into maintenance mode

    Also, spare servers which are placed into maintenance mode will be skipped, and switchover will be applied to different spare servers.