ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Setup Guide

5.2 Agent

The Resource Coordinator VE agent starts automatically on managed servers.
This section explains how to manually start or stop an agent and how to check its power state.


To prevent conflicts, the deployment service is uninstalled from the Resource Coordinator VE agent when using ServerView Deployment Manager on the admin LAN. In such cases, there is no need to start or stop the deployment service when starting or stopping the Resource Coordinator VE agent.

The agent consists of the following two Windows services.

From the Windows Control Panel, open "Administrative Tools". Then, open the [Services] window to check the state of each service.
The following explains how to start and stop each service.

The agent consists of the following services.

Execute the following commands to determine whether the agent is running or not. If those commands show that the processes for the agent and deployment services (respectively 'FJSVssagt' and 'scwagent') are running, then the agent can be asserted to be running.

The following explains how to start and stop each service.

The agent consists of the following services.

The following explains how to start and stop each service.

Agents can be started and stopped using the "start" and "stop" subcommands of the rcxadm agtctl command.
For details on the command, refer to "5.1 rcxadm agtctl" of the "ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Command Reference".