Choose the following settings for LAN switches that will be managed by Resource Coordinator VE.
Telnet login user name
This name can contain up to 64 alphanumeric characters (upper or lower case), underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
Telnet password
This password can contain up to 80 alphanumeric characters (upper or lower case) and symbols (ASCII characters 0x20, 0x21 and 0x23 to 0x7e) with the exception of double quotation marks ( " ).
Administrator password
This password can contain up to 80 alphanumeric characters (upper or lower case) and symbols (ASCII characters 0x20, 0x21 and 0x23 to 0x7e) with the exception of double quotation marks ( " ).
SNMP community name
This name can contain up to 32 alphanumeric characters (upper or lower case), underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
SNMP trap destination
The SNMP trap destination must be the admin server's IP address.
Depending on the LAN switch used, setting an SNMP trap destination may restrict SNMP access to that switch.
In a clustered manager configuration, set the physical IP addresses of both the primary and secondary nodes as SNMP trap destinations.
If the LAN switch is set to only grant access from known IP addresses, be sure to give permissions to the physical IP addresses of both the primary and secondary cluster nodes, as is done with trap destination settings.
For details, refer to the LAN switch manual.
Character limitations may vary depending on the LAN switch used.
For details, refer to the LAN switch manual.
In order to track the network connections between managed servers (PRIMERGY BX) and adjacent LAN switches, and display them in the Network Map, the following protocols should be first enabled on each LAN switch (including LAN switch blades).
LLDP (Link layer Discovery Protocol)
CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol)
Adjacent LAN switches should be set to use the same protocol.
For details, refer to LAN switch manuals.
If a LAN switch blade does not support either one of those two protocols (LLDP or CDP), it should be set up to use the supported protocol.
Resource Coordinator VE cannot detect the network connections between a LAN switch blade set in IBP mode and its adjacent LAN switches.
For the following LAN switch blade, the settings described below should be set to the same value to enable proper detection of network links.
LAN switch blade
PY CB Eth Switch/IBP 1Gb 36/12 or PY CB Eth Switch/IBP 1Gb 36/8+2
The following settings must be set to the same value.
hostname set from the "hostname" command
system name set from the "snmp-server sysname" command
When setting both the hostname and system name to "swb1".
# hostname swb1
# snmp-server sysname swb1
Network connections may not display properly if two or more LAN switches are set with a conflicting system name (sysName).