ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Setup Guide

2.7 Event Log

This section describes the Event Log displayed in the RC console.

Figure 2.8 Event Log

The Event Log displays a history of events that have occurred on managed resources. These events are added to the log automatically.
Each event displayed in the Event Log provides the following information.

Table 2.48 Information Displayed in the Event Log


Content displayed


Displays the level of the event.
There are three levels; "Error", "Warning" or "Info".


Date and time at which the event occurred.

Resource Name

Name of the resource associated with the event.

Event ID

Identifier related to the event.
No event ID is displayed for network resources.

Event Log

Content of the event.

The Event Log can be filtered using the Event Log checkboxes.
Selecting a checkbox will show the events whose status corresponds to that of the selected checkbox. Clearing a checkbox will hide such events.
Clicking a column heading will change the color of the selected column and sort events in either ascending or descending order.


When a resource's status becomes "fatal", its related event shows an "Error" status in the event log. For this reason, the actual status of a resource should be confirmed from either the resource tree or the [Resource List] tab.