ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Installation Guide

A.7.2 Cluster environment deletion procedure (details)

Delete cluster environments using the following steps. Perform the deletion procedures on the server admin server in the cluster system respectively. Only a user with system administrator privileges can conduct the following procedures.

For the admin server

  1. Stop the cluster service (cluster application) configured for the manager operation using the cluster admin of the cluster system.

  2. Delete resources for management tasks registered to the target cluster service (cluster application).


    For details, refer to the "PRIMECLUSTER Installation and Administration Guide" for the respective operating system version.

    For Solaris OS:

    Remove the following resources with the userApplication Configuration Wizard:

    • Cmdline resource (For ESC)

    • Ipaddress resource (if not used at all)

    • Gds resource (if not used at all)

    • Fsystem resource (mount point of the shared data disk for the admin server)

    For Linux:

    Using the RMS Wizard for cluster system delete the resources for management tasks registered to the target cluster service (cluster application). If the cluster service consists of only the resources for management server, delete also the cluster service (cluster application).

    Delete the following resources with the RMS Wizard.

    • Cmdline resources (for ESC)

    • Gls resources (if not used for other purpose

    • Gds resources (not available for other purposes)

    • Fsystem fdxouf resources (mount points of shared data disks for operations management server)

    Deletion with the RMS Wizard is performed with respect to any of the nodes in a cluster.

  3. Check that the shared data disk for the server is unmounted on the primary node and the secondary node.

  4. Mount the shared data disk for the server on the secondary node.

  5. Execute the cluster unsetup command on the secondary node.

    After preventing access by other users to the shared data disk for the server, execute the following command on the secondary node.

    # /opt/FJSVssmgr/cluster/esc_clunsetup
    # /opt/FJSVssmgr/cluster/esc_clunsetup -l

    Option specification is not required under normal conditions, but specify the -l option if local free disk space on the secondary node is insufficient.

  6. Check the configurations (no option in this example).

    Check the configurations and enter "y". To cancel unsetup at this point, enter "n".

    ETERNUS SF Storage cruiser settings were as follows.
          Cluster system : PRIMECLUSTER
          Node type      : Secondary
          Mount point    : /zzz
          IP Address     :
          Mode           : Normal (restore from Shared Disk)
    Manager cluster deletion : Are you sure? [y,n,?]
  7. Deletion on the secondary node is executed.

    FJSVrcx:INFO:27703:esc_clunsetup:secondary node deletion completed
  8. Unmount the shared data disk for the admin server from the secondary node.

  9. Mount the shared data disk for the admin server on the primary node.

  10. Execute the cluster unsetup command on the primary node.

    After preventing access by other users to the shared data disk for the server, execute the following command on the primary node.

    # /opt/FJSVssmgr/cluster/esc_clunsetup
    # /opt/FJSVssmgr/cluster/esc_clunsetup -l

    Option specification is not required under normal conditions, but specify the -l option if local free disk space on the primary node is insufficient.

  11. Check the configurations (no option in this example).

    Check the configurations and enter "y". To cancel unsetup at this point, enter "n".

    ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser settings were as follows.
          Cluster system : PRIMECLUSTER
          Node type      : Primary
          Mount point    : /zzz
          IP Address     :
          Mode           : Normal (restore from Shared Disk)
    Manager cluster deletion : Are you sure? [y,n,?]
  12. Deletion on the primary node is executed.

    FJSVrcx:INFO:27702:esc_clunsetup:primary node deletion completed
  13. Unmount the shared data disk for the server from the primary node.

  14. Delete the port numbers for the server from /etc/services on both the primary node and the secondary node.

  15. Start the cluster service (cluster application) using the cluster admin of the cluster system. If the cluster service (cluster application) was deleted in step 2, this step is not required.

  16. Execute the following command on both the primary node and the secondary node to stop nwsnmp-trapd.

    # /opt/FJSVswstt/bin/mpnm-trapd stop
  17. Uninstall managers from both the primary node and the secondary node using the procedure as described in "9.1 [Solaris OS] Manager uninstallation" (In Solaris OS) or "9.2 [Linux] Manager Uninstallation" (in Linux).