ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Installation Guide

A.4.3 Manager operation setup (details)

Set up managers as cluster services (cluster applications) using the following steps. Only a user with system administrator privileges can conduct the following procedures.
When rebooting the system after installing managers, stop the managers before performing the following procedure.

  1. When adding a manager to an existing cluster service (cluster application), stop the cluster service (cluster application) using the cluster admin of the cluster system.

  2. Configure the shared disk using PRIMECLUSTER GDS.


    For details, refer to "PRIMECLUSTER Global Disk Services Guide (Solaris(TM) operating system version)" of the respective operating system.

  3. Mount the shared data disk for the server on the primary node.

  4. Specify the port numbers for the server in "/etc/services" on both the primary node and the secondary node.

  5. Perform the procedure described in " Administrator login account creation" (in Solaris OS) or " Administrator login account creation" (in Linux) only on the primary node. The created login account information will be set on the shared data disk when the cluster setup command is executed.

  6. Execute the cluster setup command on the primary node.

    After preventing access by other users to the shared data disk for the server, execute the following cluster setup command on the primary node.

    # /opt/FJSVssmgr/cluster/esc_clsetup -k Primary -m Mount_point_on_the_shared_data_disk_for_the_ server -i Server_takeover_IP_address
  7. Check the configurations.

    Information specified with the command is output. Check the output information and enter "y". To cancel setup at this point, enter "n".

    # /opt/FJSVssmgr/cluster/esc_clsetup -k Primary -m /zzz -i
    ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser settings are as follows.
          Cluster system : PRIMECLUSTER
          Node type      : Primary
          Mount point    : /zzz
          IP Address     :
    Manager cluster setup : Are you sure? [y,n,?]
  8. Setup on the primary node is executed.

    FJSVrcx:INFO:27700:esc_clsetup:primary node setup completed

    The command execution runs cluster setup and sets the "LOGICAL_MANAGER_IP" configuration of /etc/opt/FJSVssmgr/current/sanma.conf on the shared disk into sanma.conf.

  9. Unmount the shared data disk for the server from the primary node.

  10. Mount the shared data disk for the server on the secondary node.

  11. Execute the cluster setup command on the secondary node.

    After preventing access by other users to the shared data disk for the server, execute the following cluster setup command on the secondary node.

    # /opt/FJSVssmgr/cluster/esc_clsetup -k Secondary -m Mount_point_on_the_shared_data_disk_for_the _server
  12. Check the configurations.

    Information specified with the command is output. Check the output information and enter "y". To cancel setup at this point, enter "n".

    # /opt/FJSVssmgr/cluster/esc_clsetup -k Secondary -m /zzz
    Systemwalker Resource Coordinator settings are as follows.
          Cluster system : PRIMECLUSTER
          Node type      : Secondary
          Mount point    : /zzz
          IP Address     :
    Manager cluster setup : Are you sure? [y,n,?]
  13. Setup on the secondary node is executed.

    FJSVrcx:INFO:27701:esc_clsetup:secondary node setup completed
  14. Unmount the shared data disk for the server from the secondary node.

  15. Create a cluster service (cluster application).


    For details, refer to "PRIMECLUSTER Installation and Administration Guide" for the respective operating system.

    For Solaris OS:

    Use userApplication Configuration Wizard for cluster system to create the following required PRIMECLUSTER resources on the cluster service (cluster application). After creating the resources a. to d. described below, create the cluster service (cluster application) as follows.

    • Select "Standby" for the admin server configuration.

    • For attribute values, set AutoStartUp to "yes", AutoSwitchOver to "HostFailure|ResourceFailure|ShutDown", and HaltFlag to "yes".
      When using Interstage Application Server Smart Repository, or creating a hot standby configuration, set StandbyTransitions to "ClearFaultRequest|StartUp|SwitchRequest".

    Then create the following resources on the created cluster service (cluster application).

    a. Cmdline resource (Create the Cmdline resources for ESC.)

    Select "Cmdline" for Resource creation in the userApplication Configuration Wizard to create the resources through path input, and make the following configurations.


    Input pathname

    Start script


    Stop script


    Check script


    Flag (attribute value) settings: When a value other than "NO" is specified for the cluster service (cluster application) attribute value "StandbyTransitions", set ALLEXITCODES to "yes" and STANDBYCAPABLE to "yes".


    If shared with the operations management server or division management server for Systemwalker Centric Manager, make settings so that they are started after Systemwalker Centric Manager.

    b. Ipaddress resource (Configure the takeover logical IP address for the cluster system.)

    Select Ipaddress for Resource creation in the userApplication Configuration Wizard and configure the takeover logical IP address. Configure the takeover logical IP address for the NIC of clients. For the takeover network type, select "IP address takeover".

    c. Fsystem resource (Configure the mount point of the shared data disk for the server.)

    Select Fsystem for Resource creation in the userApplication Configuration Wizard and configure the file system. If no mount point definition exists, please refer to the "PRIMECLUSTER Installation and Administration Guide" and define the mount point.

    d. Gds resource (Specify the configuration created for the shared data disk for the server.)

    Select Gds for Resource creation in the userApplication Configuration Wizard and configure the shared disk. Specify the configuration created for the shared data disk for the server.

    For Linux:

    Use RMS Wizard for cluster system to create the following PRIMECLUSTER resources on the cluster service (cluster application).

    To create a new cluster service (cluster application), select "Application-Create" to specify a primary node for Machines[0] and a secondary node for Machines[1] to create. For settings of "Machines+Basics", set "yes" to AutoStartUp, "HostFailure|ResourceFailure|ShutDown" to a value of AutoSwitchOver and "yes" to HaltFlag.
    Then, create the following resources a. to d. on the created cluster service (cluster application).

    Perform settings by means of the RMS Wizard to any of the nodes configured in a cluster.

    a. Cmdline resources (Create Cmdline resources for ESC)

    Select "CommandLines" with the RMS Wizard to perform the following settings.


    Input pathname

    Start script


    Stop script


    Check script


    Flag settings (attribute value): If anything other than "without value" is specified for attribute value StandbyTransitions of the cluster service (cluster application), set the Flags ALLEXITCODES(E) and STANDBYCAPABLE(O) to "Enabled".


    If shared with the operations management server or division management server for Systemwalker Centric Manager, make settings so that they are started after Systemwalker Centric Manager.

    b. Gls resources (Set a takeover logical IP address to be used for cluster system.)

    Select "Gls:Global-Link-Sevices" with the RMS Wizard to set a takeover logical IP address The takeover logical IP address is set to the client NIC. If the configuration information for takeover logical IP address has not been created, refer to "PRIMECLUSTER Global Link Services Instruction Manual (Redundancy function in transmission lines) (Linux)" to create it.

    c. Fsystem resources (Set mount points of management server-shared disks.)

    Select "LocalFileSystems" with the RMS Wizard to set file systems. If mount points have not been defined, refer to "PRIMECLUSTER Installation Guide (Linux)" to define.

    d. Gds resources (Specify the settings for management server shared disks.)

    Select "Gds:Global-Disk-Sevices" with the RMS Wizard to set shared disks. Specify the settings created for management server-shared disks.

  16. Perform the procedure as instructed in " Rebooting the system" (In Solaris OS) or " Rebooting the system" (In Linux) on both the primary node and the secondary node.