ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Installation Guide

7.4.2 Uninstallation

  1. Login with root (super user).

    # su
  2. Move to the root directory (/).

    # cd /
  3. Execute the following command.

    # swremove
  4. The following window will be displayed. Select the FJSVssage package from the list, and select [Actions]-[Remove] menu.

  5. The "Remove Analysis" dialog is displayed, and package will be checked.

    After checking package, click [OK].

  6. The "Remove Window" dialog is displayed.
    When "Status" indicates "Completed", the uninstallation is completed. Clicking the <Done> button, the initial dialog will be displayed.

  7. Delete the sscruisera lines from the /etc/services file.