ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Installation Guide

7.1.2 Uninstallation

  1. Login with root (super user).

    # su
  2. Remove ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Agent using the pkgrm command.

    # pkgrm FJSVssage


    If the package is reinstalled in another directory after the pkgrm command is executed, make sure that no package directories remain. For the package directories, see " Static disk space".

    If the user has created a new file in a package directory, this file will not be deleted in the uninstallation processing when the pkgrm command is executed. Since the package directory will not be deleted, delete the directory directly.

  3. Delete the sscruisera lines from the /etc/services file.

  4. Reboot the system.

    # /usr/sbin/shutdown -y -g0 -i6