ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Installation Guide

6.3.5 Upgrading from older products

When a Softek Storage Cruiser Agent or an ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Agent of a previous version level has been installed, you can save the setting data and have the current version of the ESC Agent inherit the settings. Upgrading from Softek Storage Cruiser

This section shows the procedure for upgrading from the Softek Storage Cruiser Agent.

  1. Save the Agent setting data

    Before uninstalling the SSC Agent, save the SSC Agent setting data as follows.


    Save information

    Save file


    SNMP Trap transmission place address

    ($SSC_TMP_DIR means "Work Directory" specified at the SSC Agent installation.)


    SSC Agent definition file

    All files under $SSC_ENV_DIR\Agent\etc directory
    ($SSC_ENV_DIR means "Environment Directory" specified at the SSC Agent installation.)


    User definition information

    ($SSC_INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the SSC Agent installation.)
    (If not exist, it is not required for the upgrade.)

  2. Uninstall the SSC Agent.

    To uninstall the SSC Agent, refer to the Softek Storage Cruiser manual.

  3. Install and set up the ESC Agent

    To install and set up the ESC Agent, refer to "6.3 [Windows] Agent installation and setup".

  4. Convert the saved Agent setting data

    Convert the Agent setting data saved by step 1.

    • Copy the saved file, and create the $TMP_DIR\Agent\var\sanm.ip file.
      ($TMP_DIR means "Work Directory" specified at the ESC Agent installation.)

    • By referring to the saved files, and reflect the changes made since the SSC Agent installation to the all files under $ENV_DIR\Agent\etc directory.
      ($ENV_DIR means "Environment Directory" specified at the ESC Agent installation.)
      (If no changes were made in the definitions, it is nothing to do. The new definitions can be used.)

    • Copy the saved file, and create the $INS_DIR\Agent\lib\defusr.dat file.
      ($INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the ESC Agent installation.)
      (This step is not required if the file was not saved in step 1.) Upgrading from previous version levels

This section explains the procedure for upgrading from a previous version level of the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Agent.

  1. Save the Agent setting data

    Before uninstalling the ESC Agent, save the ESC Agent setting data as follows.


    Save information

    Save file


    SNMP Trap transmission place address

    ($OLD_TMP_DIR means "Work Directory" specified at the previous ESC Agent installation.)


    SSC Agent definition file

    All files under $OLD_ENV_DIR\Agent\etc directory
    ($OLD_ENV_DIR means "Environment Directory" specified at the previous ESC Agent installation.)


    User definition information

    ($OLD_INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the previous ESC Agent installation.)
    (If not exist, it is not required for the upgrade.)

  2. Uninstall the previous version level ESC Agent

    To uninstall the ESC Agent, refer to the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser manual of the previous version level.

  3. Install and set up the ESC Agent

    To install and set up the ESC Agent, refer to "6.3 [Windows] Agent installation and setup".

  4. Convert the saved Agent setting data

    Convert the Agent setting data saved by step 1.

    • Copy the saved file, and create the $TMP_DIR\Agent\var\sanm.ip file.
      ($TMP_DIR means "Work Directory" specified at the ESC Agent installation.)

    • By referring to the saved files, and reflect the changes made since the SSC Agent installation to the all files under $ENV_DIR\Agent\etc directory.
      ($ENV_DIR means "Environment Directory" specified at the ESC Agent installation.)
      (If no changes were made in the definitions, it is nothing to do. The new definitions can be used.)

    • Copy the saved file, and create the $INS_DIR\Agent\lib\defusr.dat file.
      ($INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the ESC Agent installation.)
      (This step is not required if the file was not saved in step 1.)