acec resume - Restarts temporarily interrupted Clone(EC) type Advanced Copy or Remote Advanced Copy.
[For EC copy groups]
acec resume -g COPY-GROUP [-p PAIR] [-r] [-xml]
[For REC copy groups]
acec resume -g COPY-GROUP [-p PAIR] [-r] [-remain] [-xml]
This command restarts the Clone(EC) Advanced Copy or Remote Advanced Copy for the specified copy group or copy pair.
Please make sure to specify the "resume" subcommand.
This option specifies the copy group name.
This option specifies a copy pair.
This option restarts copying in the reverse direction to the direction that has been specified.
This option restarts the synchronous high-speed copy for the copy group or copy pair that suspended by using the initial copy skip function.
This option specifies when displaying the result of the command execution by the XML format.
=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally
C:\>acec resume -g group01 DX80/0x1:DX80/0x6 # DATE : 2008/06/24 16:28:00 - << EC Resumed >> DX80/0x2:DX80/0x7 # DATE : 2008/06/24 16:28:00 - << EC Resumed >> DX80/0x3:DX80/0x8 # DATE : 2008/06/24 16:28:00 - << EC Resumed >> Succeeded : 3 Failed : 0