ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

A.4.11 Backup volume lock specification file for tape copying in Windows

If, during tape copy pre-processing in Windows, the locking process fails because of the need to avoid a temporary conflict with another application trying to access the backup volume, the locking process will be retried.

The standard retry process is as follows:

The maximum number of retries (20 by default) and the retry interval (1 second by default) can be modified by creating a setup file called a "backup volume lock specification file for tape copying".

This setup file can also be used to direct tape copy pre-processing to perform the following operations:


The backup volume lock specification file for tape copying is not backed up by swstresback (Resource backup command). If the backup volume lock specification file for tape copying is being used, you will need to back it up using a command such as copy.

Creating the backup volume lock specification file for tape copying

To create a backup volume lock specification file for tape copying, use the following file names.

File name

For non-cluster operation:

environment settings directory \etc\backup\data\TCBACKLOCK.INI

For cluster operation:

<shared disk>:\etc\opt\swstorage\etc\backup\data\TCBACKLOCK.INI

The following sample settings are for a backup volume lock specification file for tape copying.


The backup volume lock specification file for tape copying is created as follows:

TCBACKLOCK.INI setup items

Table A.2 Description of "Key" to be set in the TCBACKLOCK.INI file




If locking of a backup volume fails, the locking process will be retried. This parameter specifies that the volume will be unmounted before the retry process begins.

off (default) = Do not unmount the volume before the retry process

on = Unmount the volume before the retry process

When a volume is unmounted, all open handles on that volume will be disabled.

Note: If a volume is in use soon after it has been unmounted, it may not be possible to lock it.

This parameter is disabled if NoPrePost is set to on.


If locking of a backup volume fails, the locking process will be retried. This parameter specifies the number of retries to be performed. Any interval between 1 and 10,000 can be specified.

The default value is 20 retries.

If a backup volume cannot be locked after the specified number of retries has been performed, the process is suspended and the command is forced to terminate abnormally.

This parameter is disabled if NoPrePost is set to on.


If locking of a backup volume fails, the locking process will be retried. This parameter specifies the interval (in milliseconds) between each retry operation. Any interval between 1 and 600,000(10 minutes) can be specified. The default value is 1,000 (1 second).

This parameter is disabled if NoPrePost is set to on.


This parameter specifies that tape copy pre-processing will not be performed.

off (default) = Perform tape copy pre-processing and post-processing

on=Do not perform tape copy pre-processing and post-processing

When NoPrePost is set to on, all other parameters (LockForceMode, LockRetryNumber and LockRetryInterval) are disabled.