ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

A.4.9 Tape copy pre-processing in Windows

The names of the pre-processing script files used for tape copying are:

Content of shell script

 1: // AdvancedCopy Manager for Windows
 2: // All Rights Reserved, Copyright FUJITSU LIMITED, 2005-2007
 3: //
 4: // TapeCopyPre.js: Pre-Processing Script for tape copy
 5: //
 6: // [Parameters]
 7: // 1st argument: device name of backup volume
 8: //
 9: // [Return Values]
10: // 0: The script ended normally.
11: // 2: The number of the arguments is incorrect.
12: // 4: An error other than the above occurred.
14: try {
15:     // create global objects
16:     var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");              // create Shell object
17:     var WshEnv = WshShell.Environment("PROCESS");                      // create Environment object
18:     var fsObj    = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); // create FileSystemObject object
20:     // create SwstTapeCopyPreProc object
21:     var proc = new SwstTapeCopyPreProc();
23:     // there is nothing to do if the pre/post-processing is not customized
24:     proc.doNothingForDriveLetter();
26:     SwstQuit(0);
27: } catch (e) {
28:     SwstQuit(4);
29: }
31: function SwstTapeCopyPreProc()
32: {
33:     // member variables
34:     this.bvName       = WScript.Arguments.length!=1?SwstQuit(1):WScript.Arguments.Item(0); // device name of transaction volume
35:     this.postFileName = getDataPathName() + "\\" + getPutFileName(this.bvName) + ".pre";   // name of postprocessing file
37:     // member functions
38:     this.doNothingForDriveLetter = doNothingForDriveLetter; // self-explanatory
39:     this.writePostFile           = writePostFile;           // self-explanatory
40: }
42: function doNothingForDriveLetter()
43: {
44:     this.writePostFile(this.postFileName, "none");
45: }
47: function writePostFile(postfile, postdata)
48: {
49:     var overwrite = true; // means to overwrite a file if it exists.
50:     var postFileStream = fsObj.CreateTextFile(postfile, overwrite);
51:     postFileStream.Write(postdata);
52:     postFileStream.Close();
53: }
55: function SwstQuit(exitStatus)
56: {
57:     switch(exitStatus) {
58:     case 0:
59:         WScript.Quit(0);
60:     case 1:
61:         WScript.Echo("[Tape copy Preprocessing] The number of the arguments is incorrect.");
62:         WScript.Quit(2);
63:     default:
64:         WScript.Echo("[Tape copy Preprocessing] The script exited abnormally.");
65:         WScript.Quit(4);
66:     }
67: }
69: function getDataPathName()
70: {
71:     return WshShell.RegRead(getSetupInfoKey() + "\\etcPathName") + "\\etc\\backup\\data\\DEFAULT";
72: }
74: function getSetupInfoKey()
75: {
76:     var nodeName = WshEnv.Item("SWSTGNODE");
77:     if( nodeName != "" ){
78:         return "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Fujitsu\\AdvancedCopy Manager\\CurrentVersion\\" + nodeName;
79:     }
80:     return "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Fujitsu\\AdvancedCopy Manager\\CurrentVersion";
81: }
83: function getPutFileName(deviceName){
84:     var fileName;
85:     fileName = deviceName;
86:     return(fileName);
87: }