ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

11.4.11 tbomodlog (Trace log output level configuration command)


tbomodlog - Changing the output level of a trace log


/opt/FJSVswstm/bin/tbomodlog Log-Level


This command changes the output level of a Tape Server trace log.

A trace log is a record of received commands and information on how they were processed. It is written to a dedicated file. The log provides information required for analyzing error causes in the event that an error is detected during tape backup. Changing the trace log output level can change the amount of output information. The setting of the output level need not be changed for a normal backup operation.



Specifies the trace log output level.

The following levels can be specified in LogLevel:

  • 1: General information level

  • 2: Detailed information level

The default is 1.


=0: Completed successfully

>0: Terminated abnormally


Change the trace log output level to the detailed information level.

# /opt/FJSVswstm/bin/tbomodlog 2
tbomodlog completed


Performing a normal backup operation with the trace log level set to the detailed information level affects backup performance. To prevent this problem, perform the operation with the output log level set to the general information level, except when collecting error survey information after an error occurrence.