ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

7.2 Configuring Differential Backup Operations

Configure the differential backup operations by noting the following notes in addition to the information given in the "Chapter 3 Designing the Backup Operation".


Consider the following when developing backup policies and preparing the backup volume:

  • For backups that use QuickOPC, an OPC session still remains active even after the physical copy has been completed. Operators should specify the number of disk preservation generations so that it does not exceed the maximum number of OPC sessions that can be set for the same logical unit.

  • The QuickOPC function can only be used for intra-cabinet copies (OPC). It cannot be used for inter-cabinet copies (ROPC). Prepare the backup volume in the same server as the transaction volume to be backed up.