ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

5.3.8 Customizing pre-processing and post-processing scripts

Backup with the Tape Backup function of AdvancedCopy Manager must be performed when the transaction volume is unmounted. Therefore, when backup or restore is executed, mount and unmount processing of the transaction volume is done using the pre-processing and post-processing scripts.

Backup or restore processing is not executed if the transaction volume cannot be unmounted.

When backup history information is copied to tape, pre-processing is performed over the backup volume. When copying to tape is performed, the backup volume is unmounted before data is written to the tape. The backup volume is not automatically mounted upon completion of writing to tape.

For details of pre-processing and post-processing scripts, see Appendix "Appendix A Pre-processing and Post-processing of Backup, Restoration, and Tape Copy".

In either of one of the following situations, the backup pre-processing and post-processing scripts will need to be customized:

For information about customizing the scripts, refer to Appendix "Appendix A Pre-processing and Post-processing of Backup, Restoration, and Tape Copy".